ストレンジ著作リスト (第1.11版)

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ストレンジ著作リスト (第1.11版)










Strange, Susan[1949], “Palestine and the United Nations”, The Year Book of World Affairs, 3, 1949, p151-168.

Strange, Susan[1950a], “Truman’s Point Four”, The Year Book of World Affairs, 4, 1950, p264-288.

*Strange, Susan[1950b], Point Four: Helping to Develop Half a World, London: United Nations Association.

Strange, Susan[1951], “The Schumann Plan”, The Year book of World Affairs, 5, 1951, p109-130.

Strange, Susan[1953], “The Atlantic Idea”, The Year book of World Affairs, 7, 1953, p1-19.

Strange, Susan[1954], “The Economic Work of the United Nations”, The Year book of World Affairs, 8, 1954, p118-140.

Strange, Susan[1955a], “British Foreign Policy”, The Year book of World Affairs, 9, 1955, p35-53.

Strange, Susan[1955b], “International Trade”, Wilfrid Eady, Bertrand de Jouvenel and Susan Strange eds.[1955]p56-77.

Wilfrid Eady, Bertrand de Jouvenel and Susan Strange eds.[1955], Money and Trade, London: Batchworth Press.

Strange, Susan[1956], “Strains on NATO”, The Year book of World Affairs, 10, 1956, p21-41.

Strange, Susan[1957], “Suez and After”, The Year book of World Affairs, 11, 1957, p76-103.

Strange, Susan[1958], “The Strategic Trade Embargoes: Sense or Nonsense”, The Year book of World Affairs, 12, 1958, p55-73.

Strange, Susan[1959a], “The Commonwealth and the Sterling Area”, The Year book of World Affairs, 13, 1959, p24-44.

*Strange, Susan[1959b], The Soviet Trade Weapon, London: Phoenix House.

Strange, Susan[1962], “Changing Trends in World Trade”, The Year book of World Affairs, 16, 1962, p139-158.

Strange, Susan[1963], “Cuba and After”, The Year book of World Affairs, 17, 1963, p1-28.

Strange, Susan[1966], “A New Look at Trade and Aid”, International Affairs, 42(1), January 1966, p61-73.

Strange, Susan[1967a], “Debts, Defaulters and Development”, International Affairs, 43(3), July 1967, p516-529.

Strange, Susan[1967b], The Sterling Problem and the Six, London: Chatham House(European Series ; 4).

*Strange, Susan[1967c], “The Sterling Question”, in Anthony Moncrieff ed., Britain and the Common Market 1967, London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1967, p43-50.

Geoffrey L. Goodwin and Susan Strange[1968], Research on International Organization, London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd.(Social Science Research Council. Review of Current Research ; 2).

Strange, Susan[1969], “The Meeting of Multilateral Surveillance”, in Robert W. Cox. ed., International Organization : World Politics: Studies in Economic and Social Agencies, London: Macmillan, p231-247.

Strange, Susan[1970a], “International Economics and International Relations: A Case of Mutual Neglect”, International Affairs, 46(2), April 1970, p304-315.

Strange, Susan[1970b], “The Politics of International Currencies”, World Politics, 23(2), January 1971, p215-231.

*Strange, Susan[1970c], “International Money Matters”, International Affairs, 46(4), October 1970, p737-743.

Strange, Susan[1971a], “Sterling and British Policy: A Political View”, International Affairs, 47(2), April 1971, p302-315.

Strange, Susan[1971b], Sterling and British Policy: A Political Study of an International Currency in Decline, London; New York: Oxford University Press. 本山美彦他訳1989『国際通貨没落過程の政治学――ポンドとイギリスの政策』(三嶺書房).

*Strange, Susan[1971c], “The United Nations and International Economic Relations”, in Kenneth J. Twitchett ed., The Evolving United Nations: A Prospect for Peace, London: Europa Publications for the David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies, 1971, p100-119.

Strange, Susan[1972a], “The Dollar Crisis 1971”, International Affairs, 48(2). April 1972, p191-215.

Strange, Susan[1972b], “International Economic Relations I: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach”, in Roger Morgan ed., The Study of International Affairs: Essays in Honour of Kenneth Younger, Oxford University Press for Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1972, p63-84.

*Strange, Susan[1972c], “The multinational Corporation and the National Interest”, in James Barber ed., Decision making in Britain, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1972, p165-178.

Strange, Susan[1973], “IMF: Monetary Managers”, in Robert W. Cox, Harold K. Jacobson et al., The Anatomy of Influence: Decision Making in International Organization, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973, p263-297.

*Strange, Susan[1974a], “Arab Oil and International Finance”, The Ditchley Journal, 1, October, 1974, p10-23.

*Strange, Susan[1974b], “International Business and the EEC”, in James Barber ed., The European Economic Community, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1974, p82-95.

Strange, Susan[1975a], “What is Economic Power, and Who Has it?”, International Journal, 30(2), Spring 1975, p207-223.

*Strange, Susan[1975b], “The Financial Factor and the Balance of Power”, in James Barber, Josephine Negro and Michael Smith eds., Foreign Policy: Policy making and Implementation, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1975, p35-46

Strange, Susan[1976a], “The Study of Transnational Relations”, International Affairs, 52(3), July 1976, p-333-345.

Strange, Susan[1976b], “Who Runs World Shipping?”, International Affairs, 52(3), July 1976, p346-367.

Strange, Susan[1976c], International Monetary Relations, with essay on Finance for Developing Countries, by Christopher Prout, The Royal Institute of International Affairs by Oxford University Press(International Economic Relations of the Western World, 1959-1971 ; 2).

*Strange, Susan[1976d], ”Interdependence in the International Monetary System”, in Ernst-Otto Czempiel and Dankwart A. Rustow. eds., The Euro-American System: Economic and Political Relations between North America and Western Europe, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag ; Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1976, p31-49.

Susan Strange and Richard Holland[1976], "International Shipping and the Developing Countries”, World Development, 4(3), March 1976, p241-251.

Strange, Susan[1979a], “The Management of Surplus Capacity: or How Does Theory Stand Up to Protectionism 1970s style?”, International Organization, 33(3), Summer 1979, p303-334.

*Strange, Susan[1979b], “Debt and Default in the International Political Economy” in Jonathan David Aronson ed., Debt and the Less Developed Countries, Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979, p7-26.

Strange, Susan[1980], “Germany and the World Monetary System”, in Wilfrid L. Kohl and Giorgio Basevi eds., West Germany: A European and Global Power, Lexington: Lexington Books, 1980, p45-62.

Susan Strange[1981a], “Reactions to Brandt: Popular Acclaim and Academic Attack”, International Studies Quarterly, 25(2), June 1981, p328-342.

Susan Strange[1981b], “The World’s Money: Expanding the Agenda for Research”,  International Journal , 36(4), Autumn 1981, p691-712.

Susan Strange and Roger Tooze[1981a], “States and Markets in Depression: Managing Surplus Industrial Capacity in the 1970s”, Susan Strange and Roger Tooze eds.[1981]p3-21

Susan Strange and Roger Tooze[1981b], “Conclusion: The Management of Surplus Capacity and International Political Economy”, Susan Strange and Roger Tooze eds.[1981]p211-221.

Susan Strange and Roger Tooze eds.[1981], The International Politics of Surplus Capacity: Competition for Market Shares in the World Recession, London; Boston: Allen & Unwin.

Strange, Susan[1982a], “Cave! Hic Dragones!: A Critique of Regime Analysis”, International Organization, 36(2), Spring 1982, p479-496. = in Stephen D. Krasner ed.[1983], International Regimes, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983, p337-354.

Strange, Susan[1982b], “The Politics of Economics: A Sectoral Analysis” in Wolfram F. Hanrieder ed., Economic Issues and the Atlantic Community, New York: Praeger, 1982, p15-26.

Strange, Susan[1982c], “Still an Extraordinary Power: America’s Role in a Global Monetary System”, in Raymond E. Lombra and Willard D. Witte eds., Political Economy of International and Domestic Monetary Relations, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1982, p73-103.

Strange, Susan[1982d], “Europe and The United States: The Transatlantic Aspects of Inflation”, in Richard Medley ed., The Politics of Inflation: A Comparative Analysis, New York: Pergamon Press, p65-76(Pergamon Policy Studies on International Politics).

*Strange, Susan[1982e], “Looking Back: But Mostly Forward”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 11(1), Spring 1982, p38-49.

Strange, Susan[1983a], “The Credit Crisis: A European View”, SAIS Review, Summer 1983, p171-181.

Strange, Susan[1983b], “Structures, Values and Risk in the Study of the International Political Economy”, in R.J. Barry Jones ed., Perspectives on Political Economy, London: Francis Pinter Publishers, 1983, p209-230.

Strange, Susan[1984a], “The Global Political Economy, 1959-1984”, International Journal, 39(2), Spring 1984, p267-283.

Strange, Susan[1984b], “GATT and the Politics of North-South Trade”, The Australian Outlook, 38(2), August 1984, p106-110.

Strange, Susan[1984c], “What about International Relations?”, Strange, Susan  ed.[1984]p183-197. =堀中浩訳1987「国際関係論をどう考えるか」町田実監訳[1987], p245-263

Calleo, David P. and Strange, Susan[1984], “Money and World Politics”, Strange, Susan ed.[1984]p91-125. 佐藤正市訳1987「通貨と世界政治」町田実監訳[1987], p119-170

Strange, Susan ed.[1984], Paths to International Political Economy, London; Boston and Sydney: Allen & Unwin. 町田実監訳1987『国際関係の透視図――国際政治経済学への道』(文眞堂).

Strange, Susan[1985a], “Protectionism and World Politics”, International Organization, 39(2), Spring 1985, p233-259.

Strange, Susan[1985b], “Protectionism: Why not?”, The World Today, 41(8-9), August/September 1985, p148-150.

Strange, Susan[1985c], “The Poverty of Multilateral Economic Diplomacy”, in Geoff Berridge and Anthony Jennings eds., Diplomacy at the UN, London: Macmillan Press, 1985, p109-129.

Strange, Susan[1985d], “International Political Economy: The Story so Far and the Way Ahead”, in W. Ladd Hollist and F. LaMond Tullis eds., An International Political Economy, Boulder., Colo.: Westview Press, 1985, p13-25(International Political Economy Yearbook ; 1).

Strange, Susan[1985e], “Interpretations of a Decade” in Loukas Tsoukalis ed., The Political Economy of International Money: In Search of a New Order, London: Royal Institute of International Affairs/Beverly Hills/Sage Publications, 1985, p1-43.

Strange, Susan[1985f], “The International Monetary System Since 1972: Structural Change and Financial Innovation: Comment”, in Michael Posner ed., Problems of International Money, 1972-85, Papers presented at a seminar organized by the International Monetary Fund and the Overseas Development Institute in London in March 1985, Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund; London: Overseas Development Institute, 1986, p44-45.

Strange, Susan[1986a], “Politics, Trade and Money”, in Loukas Tsoukalis ed., Europe, America and the World Economy, New York and Oxford: Blackwell for the College of Europe, 1986, p243-255.

Strange, Susan[1986b], “Supranationals and the State” in John A. Hall ed., States in History, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. p289-305.

Strange, Susan[1986c], Casino Capitalism, Oxford, UK; New York, NY, USA: B. Blackwell. 小林襄治訳1988『カジノ資本主義――国際金融恐慌の政治経済学』(岩波書店).

*Strange, Susan[1986d], “The Bondage of Liberal Economics”, SAIS Review, Winter-Spring 1986, p25-38.

*Strange, Susan[1986e], “Reaganomics, the Third World and the Future”, in R.Gauhar ed., Third World Affairs 1986, London: Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies, 1986, p65-72.

Strange, Susan[1987a], “The Legend of Lost Hegemony”, 『国際政治』84, p17-41. = 有賀道子訳1987「覇権喪失の神話」『中央公論』102(2), pp184-198(抄訳).

Strange, Susan[1987b], “The Persistent Myth of Lost Hegemony”, International Organization, 41(4), Autumn 1987, p551-574. = in Thomas L. Brewer ed., Trade and Investment Policy. Volume 2. Elgar Reference Collection. Globalization of the World Economy vol. 6, Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar, 1999, p42-65.

Strange, Susan[1987c], “States, Markets and Oil: An International Relations Perspective”, in Judith Rees and Peter Odell, The International Oil Industry:  An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1987, p243-255.

Strange, Susan[1988a], “The Persistent Myth of Lost Hegemony: Reply to Milner and Snyder”, International Organization, 42(4), Autumn 1988, p751-752.

Strange, Susan[1988b], “The Future of the American Empire”, Journal of International Affairs, 42(1), Fall 1988, p1-17.

Strange, Susan[1988c], “Defending Benign Mercantilism: Review Essay”, Journal of Peace Research, 25(3), September 1988, p273-277.

Strange, Susan[1988d], “A Dissident View”, in Roland Bieber, R. Dehouse, J. Pinder and J.H.H. Weiler eds., 1992: One European Market? A Critical Analysis of the Commission’s Internal Market Strategy, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlasgesellschaft, 1988, p73-76.

Strange, Susan[1988e1994], States and Markets : An Introduction to International Political Economy, 2nd edition, London: Pinter Publishers. 西川潤・佐藤元彦訳1994『国際政治経済学入門――国家と市場』(東洋経済新報社).

Strange, Susan[1988f], “After the Crash”, (privately circulated). 小林襄治1988「国際金融システムは破綻するか」『世界』512, pp27-35

Strange, Susan[1989a], “International Political Economy: Reuniting Three Fields of Intellectual Endeavor”, Liberal Education, 75(3), May/June 1989, p20-24.

Strange, Susan[1989b], “Towards a Theory of Transnational Empire”, in Ernst-Otto Czempiel and James N. Rosenau eds., Global Changes and Theoretical Challenges: Approaches to World Politics for the 1990s, Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1989, p161-176.

Strange, Susan[1989c], “I Never Meant to Be An Academic”, in Joseph Kruzel and James N. Rosenau eds., Journeys Through World Politics: Autobiographical Reflections of Thirty-four Academic Travellers, Lexington: Lexington Books, 1989, p429-436.

Strange, Susan[1989d], “The Persistence of Problems in EC-US Relations: Conflicts of Perception?’ in Jürgen Schwarze ed., The External Relations of the European Community, in Particular EC-US Relations: Contributions to an International Colloquium, Organised by the European Policy Unit of the European University Institute Held in Florence on 26-27 May 1988, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1989, p109-118.

Strange, Susan(通産ジャーナル編集部訳)[1989e], Voices from Overseas世界からの辛口提言・7――今こそ日欧共同行動を」『通産ジャーナル』22(8), pp64-66

Strange, Susan[1990a], “Finance, Information and Power”, Review of International Studies, 16(3), July 1990, p259-274.

Strange, Susan[1990b], “Economic Linkages 1967-87”, in Robert O’Neill and R.J. Vincent eds., The West and the Third World: Essays in Honour of J. D. B. Miller, Basingstoke: Macmillan Academic and Professional, 1990, p224-241.

Strange, Susan[1990c], “The Name of the Game”, Nicholas X. Rizopoulos ed., Sea-changes: American Foreign Policy in a World Transformed, New York; London: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1990, p238-273.

*Strange, Susan[1990d], “Europe 1992: Some Personal Observations”, SAIIA Occasional Paper, Johannesburg: South African Institute of International Affairs, 1990.

Strange, Susan[1991a], “Big Business and the State”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 20(2), Summer 1991, p245-250. = in Lorraine Eden and Evan H. Potter eds., Multinationals in the Global Political Economy, New York: St. Martin's Press; London: Macmillan Press, 1993, p101-107.

Strange, Susan[1991b], “An Eclectic Approach”, in Craig N. Murphy and Roger Tooze eds., The New International Political Economy, Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1991, p33-49(International Political Economy Yearbook ; 6). Paper presented at the International Studies Association annual meeting, Washington D.C., April 10-14, 1990).

*Strange, Susan[1991c], “The Transnational Financial System of the 1990s”, unpublished paper presented to International Studies Association Conference, Vancouver, March 1991.

John M. Stopford and Susan Strange with John S. Henley [1991], Rival States, Rival Firms: Competition for World Market Shares, Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in International Relations ; 18). 江夏健一監訳1996『ライバル国家、ライバル企業――世界市場競争の新展開』(文真堂).

Strange, Susan[1992a], “States, Firms and Diplomacy”, International Affairs, 68(1),  January 1992, p1-15.

*Strange, Susan[1992b], “Ethics and the Movement of Money: Realist Approaches”, in Brian Barry and Robert E. Goodin eds., Free Movement: Ethical Issues in the Transnational Migration of People and (of) Money, New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992, p232-247.

*Strange, Susan[1992c], “Traitors, Double Agents or Rescuing Knights?: The Managers of Transnational Enterprises”, Working Paper for Table Round 4 ‘Les Indivdus dans la Politique Internatioanle’ Association Francaise de Science Politique, Quatrieme Congres.

*Strange, Susan[1993], “The Transformation of the World Economy”, in Lidija Babic and Bo Huldt eds., Mapping the Unknown: Towards a New World Order. Yearbook of the Swedish Institute for International Affairs 1992 - 1993, London: Hurst and Co. [for the SIIA], 1993, p43-49.

Strange, Susan[1994a], “Wake Up, Krasner!  The World Has Changed”, Review of International Political Economy, 1(2), Summer 1994, p209-219.

Strange, Susan[1994b], “Who Governs?: Networks of Power in World Society”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics, Special Issue, June 1994, p5-17.

Strange, Susan[1994c], “Finance and Capitalism: The City's Imperial Role Yesterday and Today”, Review of International Studies, 20(4), October 1994, p407-410.

Strange, Susan[1994d], “The Power Gap: Member States and the World Economy”, in Frank Brouwer, Valerio Lintner and Michael Newman eds., Economic Policy Making and the European Union, London: Federal Trust, 1994, p19-26.

Strange, Susan[1994e], “From Bretton Woods to the Casino Economy”, in Stuart Corbridge, Nigel Thrift and Ron Martin eds., Money, Power and Space, Oxford: Blackwell, 1994, p49-62.

Strange, Susan[1994f], “Global Government and Global Opposition”, in Geraint Parry ed., Politics in an Interdependent World: Essays Presented to Ghita Ionescu, Hants: Edward Elgar, 1994, p20-33.

Strange, Susan[1994g], “The Structure of Finance in the World System”, in Yoshikazu Sakamoto ed., Global Transformation: Challenges to the State System, Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1994, p228-249.

Strange, Susan[1994h], “Rethinking Structural Change in the International Political Economy: States, Firms and Diplomacy”, in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R. D. Underhill eds., Political Economy and the Changing Global Order, Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1994, p103-115.

Strange, Susan[1994i], “Can Japanese Direct Investment Sustain European Development in Electronics?: Comment”, Mark Mason and Dennis Encarnation eds.,  Does Ownership Matter?: Japanese Multinationals in Europe, Oxford; New York; Toronto and Melbourne: Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press, 1994, p363-366.

*Strange, Susan[1994j], “The ‘Fall’ of the United States: Peace, Stability and Legitimacy”, in Geir Lundestad ed., The Fall of Great Powers: Pace, Stability, and Legitimacy, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press ; New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, p197-211.

Strange, Susan[1995a], “The Defective State”, Daedalus, 124(2), Spring, 1995, p55-74.

Strange, Susan[1995b], “European Business in Japan: A Policy Crossroads?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 33(1), March 1995, p1-25.

Strange, Susan[1995c], “The Limits of Politics”, Government and Opposition, 30(3), Summer 1995, p291-311.

Strange, Susan[1995d], “1995 Presidential Address: ISA as a Microcosm”, International Studies Quarterly, 39(3), September 1995, p289-295.

Strange, Susan[1995e], “Political Economy and International Relations”, in Ken Booth and Steve Smith eds., International Relations Theory Today, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995, p154-174.

Strange, Susan[1995f], “Purposes of Public Action: Provision of Collective Goods and Redistribution of Wealth, a European View”, Benjamin Roger, C. Richard Neu and Denise D. Quigley eds., Balancing State Intervention: The Limits of Transatlantic Markets. A Rand Book, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995, p89-107.

Strange, Susan[1996a], “A Reply to Chris May”, Global Society, 10(3), 1996, p303-305.

Strange, Susan[1996b], The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy, Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press(Cambridge Studies in International Relations ; 49). 櫻井公人訳1998『国家の退場――グローバル経済の新しい主役たち』(岩波書店).

Strange, Susan[1996c], “Identity, Loyalty and Authority in a Changing World”, Journal of International Political Economy / New International System Special Project, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 1(1), March 1996, pp1-6.

Strange, Susan[1996d], “How the World has Changed, 1945-1995”, (privately circulated). = 小林襄治訳1996「国家はもはや経済を指揮できない」『世界』620, pp204-209

Strange, Susan[1996e], 「規制ある限り肥えるマフィア」『日経ビジネス』852, pp25-27

Strange, Susan[1997a], “The Erosion of the State”, Current History, 96(613), November 1997, p365-369.

Strange, Susan[1997b], “Territory, State, Authority and Economy: A New Realist Ontology of Global Political Economy”, in Robert W. Cox ed., The New Realism: Perspectives on Multilateralism and World Order, Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press; Tokyo: United Nations University Press, p3-19.

Strange, Susan[1997c], “The Future of Global Capitalism: or, Will Divergence Persist Forever?”, in Colin Crouch and Wolfgang Streeck eds.[1997], Political Economy and Modern Capitalism: Mapping Convergence and Diversity, London: Sage, p182-191. = 山田鋭夫訳2001「グローバル資本主義の将来――分岐は永遠につづくか」クラウチ, コーリン・ストリーク, ウォルフガング編[2001](山田鋭夫訳)『現代の資本主義――グローバリズムと多様性』(NTT出版)p257-270

Strange, Susan[1997d], “The Problem of the Solution?: Capitalism and the State System”, in Stephen Gill and James H. Mittelman eds., Innovation and Transformation in International Studies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p236-247.

*Strange, Susan ed.[1997e], Globalisation and Capitalist Diversity: Experiences on the Asian Mainland, Florence: European University Institute/Robert Schuman Centre, 1997.

Strange, Susan[1997f], “An International Political Economy Perspective”, in John H. Dunning ed., Governments, Globalization, and International Business, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, p132-145.

Strange, Susan[1997g], Casino Capitalism, Reprint edition, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Strange, Susan[1998a], “Who Are EU?: Ambiguities in the Concept of Competitiveness”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 36(1), March 1998, p101-114.

Strange, Susan[1998b], “The New World of Debt”, New Left Review, 230, July/August 1998, p91-114.

Strange, Susan[1998c], “International Political Economy: Beyond Economics and International Relations, Économies et Sociétés, 32(4), April 1998, p3-24.

Strange, Susan[1998d], “Review Essays: Globaloney?”, Review of International Political Economy, 5(4), Winter 1998, p704-711.

Strange, Susan[1998e], Mad Money: From the Author of Casino Capitalism, Manchester: Manchester University Press = 櫻井公人・櫻井純理・嶋正晴訳1999『マッド・マネー――世紀末のカジノ資本主義』(岩波書店).

Strange, Susan[1998f], Mad Money: When Markets Outgrow Governments, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Strange, Susan[1998g], “What Theory?: The Theory in Mad Money”, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation Working Paper, 18, December 1998 ( http://www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/CSGR/wpapers/wp1898.PDF, 2002.03.16 ).

Strange, Susan[1998h], “Finance in Politics: An Epilogue to Mad Money”, manuscript, The Estate of Susan Strange, 1998. = in Roger Tooze and Christopher May eds., Authority and Markets: Susan Strange’s Writings on International Political Economy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp103-118.

*Strange, Susan[1998i], “Why do International Organisations Never Die?, in Bob Reinalda and Bertjan Verbeek eds., Autonomous Policy Making by International Organisations, London: Routledge, 1998, p213-220.

Strange, Susan[1999a], “The Westfailure System”, Review of International Studies, 25(3), July 1999, p345-354.

Strange, Susan[1999b], “Corporate Managers in World Politics”, in Michel Girard ed., Individualism and World Politics, London: Macmillan Press, 1999, pp145-159.

Strange, Susan[2000], “World Order, Non-State Actors, and the Global Casino: The Retreat of the State?”, in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R. D. Underhill eds., Political Economy and the Changing Global Order, 2nd Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, p82-90.




・Strange[1992b]が収められている書名については、British Libraryを用いて調査したところ、

Free Movement: Ethical Issues in the Transnational Migration of People and Money

Free Movement: Ethical Issues in the Transnational Migration of People and of Money


Free Movement: Ethical Issues in the Transnational Migration of People and (of) Money







Strange, Susan[1999], “Technology and Finance”, Global Society, April.

Strange, Susan[1999], “Finance in Politics”, Festschrift fur Prof. R. Gilpin.


 しかし前者に関しては、Global Society誌のホームページ近年の掲載論文リストを見る限りでは、そのような論文は掲載されていない。




 Strange, Susan[1984]capter6において、参考文献として、

Strange, Susan[1982], The International Monetary System, 1945-1981.


 しかし、京大OPACNACSIS WebcatBritish LibraryCOPAC(イギリスの大学図書館横断検索)MELVYL(カリフォルニア大学図書館等総合目録)Library of Congress(アメリカ議会図書館)を検索した限りでは、ストレンジの著作としてこのような本は存在しない。


Solomon, Robert[1982], The International Monetary System, 1945-1981, New York: Harper & Row.







Strange, Susan[1961], “Soviet Economic Power(book review)”, Economica, 28(109), February 1961, p98-99.

Strange, Susan[1972], “The American Corporation: Its Power, Its Money, Its Politics(book review)”, International Journal, 27(2), Spring 1972, p308-309.

Strange, Susan[1977], “ ’Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition’ and ‘Modernization and the Transformation of International Relations’ (book review)“, International Affairs, 53(2), April 1977, p270-273.

Strange, Susan[1983], “The World Economy in the 1980s: Selected Papers(book review)”, International Journal, 38(2), Spring 1983, p355-356.

Strange, Susan[1984a], “The Long Wave in Economic Life(book review)“, Economica, 51, August 1984, p 358-359.

Strange, Susan[1984b], “The World economy in Transition(book review)“, Economica, 51, August 1984, p358-359.

Strange, Susan[1985], “The Politics of the World Economy(book review)”, International Affairs, 61(3), Summer 1985, p497.

Strange, Susan[1986a], “Years of Recovery: British Economic Policy 1945-51”, International Affairs, 62(1), Winter 1986, p130-131.

Strange, Susan[1986b], “Conflict and Control in the World Economy: Contemporary Economic Realism and Neo-Mercantilism(book review)“, International Affairs, 62(4), Autumn 1986, p666.

Strange, Susan[1986c], “Economic statecraft”, International Journal, 41(4), Fall 1986, p896-898.

Strange, Susan[1987a], “The Limitation of Conflict: A Theory of Bargaining and Negotiation(book review)”, International Affairs, 63(1), Winter 1987, p98-99.

Strange, Susan[1987b], “The Dividing Discipline: Hegemony and Diversity in International Theory(book review)”, International Journal, 42(2), Spring 1987, p398-401.

Strange, Susan[1987c], “Global Problems and World Order(book review)”, The Journal of Development Studies, 23, July 1987, p567-568.

Strange, Susan[1987d], “International Trade and the Tokyo Round Negotiation(book review)”, International Affairs, 63(4), Autumn 1987, p647-648.

Strange, Susan[1988a], “Production, Power, and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History(book review)“, International Affairs, 64(2), Spring 1988, p269-270.

Strange, Susan[1988b], “Economic Policy and the Adjustment Problem(book review)”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 26(4), June 1988, p472-473.

Strange, Susan[1988c], “Macroeconomic Diplomacy in the 1980s: Domestic Politics and International Conflict among the United States, Japan, and Europe(book review)”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 26(4), June 1988, p472-473.

Strange, Susan[1988d], “Hot Money and the Politics of Debt(Book review)”, Third World Quarterly, 10(3), July 1988, p1382-1386.

Strange, Susan[1988e], “Mr. Diamond: The Story of Dennis Levine, Wall Street's most Infamous Insider Trader(book review)”, Third World Quarterly, 10(3), July 1988, p1382-1386.

Strange, Susan[1988f], “Marrying for Money. The Path from the First Hostile Takeover to Megamergers, Insider Trading, and the Boesky scandal(Book review)”, Third World Quarterly, 10(3), July 1988, p1382-1386.

Strange, Susan[1988g], “Takeover(Book review)”, Third World Quarterly, 10(3), July 1988, p1382-1386.

Strange, Susan[1988h], “Banking on the World: The Politics of American International Finance(book review)“, International Affairs, 64(3), Summer 1988, p487-488.

Strange, Susan[1988i], “The Political Economy of International Relations(book review)”, Journal of Peace Research, 25, September 1988, p273-277.

Strange, Susan[1988j], “External Debt, Savings, and Growth in Latin America: Papers Presented at a Seminar Sponsored by the International Monetary Fund and the Instituto Torcuato di Tella, held in Buenos Aires on October 13-16, 1986(book review)“, The Economic Journal, 98(393), December 1988, p1236-1237.

Strange, Susan[1988k], “International Debt and Central Banking in the 1980s(book review)”, The Economic Journal, 98(393), December 1988, p1236-1237.

Strange, Susan[1989], “America in the World Economy: A Strategy for the 1990s, Journal of Common Market Studies, 28(1), September 1989, p88-89.

Strange, Susan[1990a], “Economics and Power: An Inquiry into Human Relations and Markets(book review)”, Government and Opposition, 25(4), Fall 1990, p524-526.

Strange, Susan[1990b], “The World Trading System: Law and Policy of International Economic Relations(book review)”, Government and Opposition, 25(4), Fall 1990, p524-526.

Strange, Susan[1991a], “The Myth of America's Decline: Leading the World Economy into the 1990s(book review)“, International Affairs, 67(3), July 1991, p633-635.

Strange, Susan[1991b], “New Developments in Political Science: An International Review of Achievements and Prospects(book review)”, International Affairs, 67(4), October 1991, p784-785.

Strange, Susan[1992a], “Money and International Politics(book review)”, International Affairs, 68(3), July 1992, p530-531.

Strange, Susan[1992b], “The New European Economy: The Politics and Economics of Integration(book review)”, International Affairs, 68(3), July 1992, p532-533.

Strange, Susan[1993a], “The Bankrupting of America: How the Federal Budget is Impoverishing the Nation(book review)”, International Affairs, 69(1), January 1993, p181-182.

Strange, Susan[1993b], “Rivals Beyond Trade: America versus Japan in Global Competition(book review)”, The American Political Science Review, 87(1), March 1993, p257-258.

Strange, Susan[1993c], “Rival Capitalists: International Competitiveness in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe(book review)”, International Affairs, 69(4), October 1993, p769.

Strange, Susan[1994a], “Europe: The Strange Superpower(book review)”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 23(1), Spring 1994, p140-142.

Strange, Susan[1994b], “Rethinking Social Democracy in Western Europe(book review)”, International Affairs, 70(3), July 1994, p570-571.

Strange, Susan[1994c], “Peddling Prosperity: Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Diminished Expectations(book review)”, International Affairs, 70(4), October 1994, p780-781.

Strange, Susan[1995a], “The United-States and The European-Community in a Transformed World(book review)”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 33(1), March 1995, p169-170.

Strange, Susan[1995b], “Polar Politics: Creating Inetrnationl Environmental Regimes(book review)”, The American Political Science Review, 89(2), June 1995, p 540.

Strange, Susan[1995c], “The State Were In(book review)”, International Affairs, 71(3), July 1995, p640.

Strange, Susan[1996a], “Company Man: The Rise and Fall of Corporate Life”, International Affairs, 72(1), January 1996, p180.

Strange, Susan[1996b], ”Disintegrating Europe: The Twilight of the European Construction(book review)”, International Affairs, 72(4), October 1996, p835-836.



International Affairs誌での書評活動が目に付く。書評委員か何かを務めていたのかもしれない。






Jonathan David Aronson, pref. by Susan Strange[1977], Money and Power: Banks and the World Monetary System, written under the auspices of the Center for International Affairs, Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications(Sage Library of Social Research ; v.66).

Stephen D. Cohen and Ronald I. Meltzer, foreword by Susan Strange[1982], United States International Economic Policy in Action: Diversity of Decision Making, New York, N.Y.: Praeger.

Ronen P. Palan and Barry Gills eds., foreword by Susan Strange[1994], Transcending the State-Global Divide: A Neostructuralist Agenda in International Relations, Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1994, pvii-viii.

Jochen Lorentzen, foreword by Susan Strange[1995], Opening up Hungary to the World Market: External Constraints and Opportunities, London: Macmillan.

Bernd Baumgartl, foreword by Susan Strang, introduction by Emil Minchev[1997], Transition and Sustainability: Actors and Interests in Eastern Europe an Environmental Policies, London: Kluwer Law International(International Environmental Law and Policy Series).









Susan Strange[1986a]Strange, Susan[1986a]に修正

Strange, Susan[1996c]を追加





Strange, Susan[1999]Strange, Susan[1999a]に変更

Strange, Susan[1999b]を追加





Strange, Susan[1987a]の日本語訳を追記

Strange, Susan[1988f]を追加

Strange, Susan[1989e]を追加

Strange, Susan[1996d]を追加

Strange, Susan[1996e]を追加





Strange, Susan[1950]Strange, Susan[1950a]に変更

Strange, Susan[1950b]を追加

Strange, Susan[1967c]を追加

Strange, Susan[1970c]を追加

Strange, Susan[1971c]を追加

Strange, Susan[1972c]を追加

Strange, Susan[1974a]を追加

Strange, Susan[1974b]を追加

Strange, Susan[1975]Strange, Susan[1975a]に変更

Strange, Susan[1975b]を追加

Strange, Susan[1976d]を追加

Strange, Susan[1979]Strange, Susan[1979a]に変更

Strange, Susan[1979b]を追加

Strange, Susan[1982e]を追加

Strange, Susan[1985f]のページを修正

Strange, Susan[1986d]を追加

Strange, Susan[1986e]を追加

Strange, Susan[1992]Strange, Susan[1992a]に変更

Strange, Susan[1992b]を追加

Strange, Susan[1992c]を追加

Strange, Susan[1994j]を追加

Strange, Susan[1998i]を追加



Strange, Susan[1961]のページを追記

Strange, Susan[1977]を追加



Ronen P. Palan and Barry Gills eds., foreword by Susan Strange[1994]を追加





Strange, Susan[1998h]の収録先を修正





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